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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Edo Monsters

Esoshi Monsters

Esoshi Monsters a

Esoshi Monsters b

Esoshi Monsters c

Esoshi Monsters d

Esoshi Monsters e

Esoshi Monsters f

Esoshi Monsters g

Esoshi Monsters h

Esoshi Monsters i

Esoshi Monsters j

Inside the International Research Center for Japanese Studies lurks the English homepage in which lurks the Nichibunken databases in which lurks 'The Pictures of Folkways in Early Modern Ages' Collection in which lurks the weird illustrations from the above book, a link to which was lurking in my browser.
"What is the pictures of folkways in early modern ages?
Database of images of esoshi (illustrated books, popular among people in the Edo Period) held at the Nichibunken Library."

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