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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grand Alphabet Amusant

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel)

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) ABC

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) ABCDE

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) FGH

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) IJKL

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) MNOPQ

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) RST

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) UVXYZ

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) PELLERIN

Grand Alphabet Amusant (Morel) back cover

'Grand Alphabet Amusant' by E Morel, ~1890; extracted from a pdf hosted among the ancient childrens literature at the Braunschweig Digital Library (the complete book has been posted above. There is next to no information about the illustrator online).

Note that the letter 'W' is missing. My understanding is that the traditional French alphabet lacked a 'W' and it is only used now for imported words. Wallons (Walloons) might be an exception. Any others?

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