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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dutch Advertising Graphics

Wilhelmina Cycle 1897-1898
Wilhelmina Cycle & Co. Ltd. Zeist-Holland. rijwielen 1897-1898

Viskwekerijen (Arnhem) 1950-1975
Bezoekt onze Viskwekerijen - Koninklijke Nederlandsche
Heidemaatschappij (Arnhem) - 1950-1975

Ranja en Rojo 1925-1950
Drinkt èchte Ranja en Rojo 1925-1950

Pope globes 1939-1940
"In 1889, the light bulb factory Goosens, Pope & Co. was founded in Venlo. The driving force behind the enterprise was the English engineer Frederic Pope. In 1920, Philips acquired a controlling interest in the share capital of the factory. Nevertheless, it continued to produce light bulbs under its own name for a long time." (1930/1940)

Jaarbeurs 1934
30ste Kon. Ned. Jaarbeurs 1934

Philips Biosol 1935-1940
De zon in 'n doos. Philips Biosol
hoogtezonapparaat. Zo zit ik goed 1935-1940

Jago Shawls 1948-1949
Jago Shawls. kleding 1948-1949

Enschede 1930-1931
Enschede Zevenmijls Electriciteits tentoonstelling
voor Nederland en Westfalen. 1930-1931

Holland Amerika Lijn 1938-1939
Holland-Amerika Lijn. New York wereldtentoonstelling. 1938-1939

Gennep 1950-1975
Gennep 1000 jaar grote feesten, 29 juli tot met 6 aug. jubilea 1950-1975

Electricity 1950-1975
Er uit tijdens de piek-uren - energie - 1950-1975

De vliegende Hollander 1947-1948
De Vliegende Hollander. [KLM] (1947-1948)

Dietsch Academische 1930-1931
IIde Dietsch Academische Leergang. Amsterdam
(Stads- en Vrije Univ.) Delft, Leiden, Nijmegen. 1930-1931

Aquamarijn Amsterdam  1952
Aquamarijn.Een sprankelend waterballet
in de RAI. Een nieuwe productie van Carel Briels.
De Rijn in de RAI. Amsterdam. van 21 mei - 15 1952

Cokesfabriek 1920-1940
Cokesfabriek Staatsmijn Emma. Overzicht der te leveren
producten en hunne toepassingen (druk met vier kleuren) 1920-1940

This is just a sampling from the '150 Years in Advertising in the Netherlands' collection. I admit to remaining confused about it. They have a link that will allegedly take you to all 11,000+ objects -- mostly print graphics, but there are some tv adverts as well [none of which I could get to play] -- but it leads to 50 thumbnail pages with 20 thumbnail images per page. No matter how I calculate it, there is a 90% shortfall. Perhaps the majority are accessible from the browse links?

The Advertising history is part of the revamped History of the Netherlands site which had been in demonstrable need of some technical attention for a couple of years. On first blush, access to some of the material is not exactly enhanced by the deployment of the fancy javascript architecture I saw. Nevertheless, there is a wealth of diverse material available.


By way of tradition on the occasion of a centenary post [800], I reiterate previous open requests for anyone to contact if they have links or are aware of online material that they believe is suitable for posting on this site. As usual, I'm most interested in hearing about books and illustration work pertaining to the under represented parts of the world, but am equally happy to hear of any attractive, twisted or superior visual materia obscura.

Feel free to either: leave a comment, email me at peacay/gmail or send a link through del.icio.us bookmarks {tag it with for:BibliOdyssey}. And for anyone who was unaware, you are welcome to subscribe to the del.icio.us feed which is updated at approximately the same time a new post appears on the site.

I'm grateful to all those who have made contact in the past. I promise I don't bite, I do look at everything, although for many, many reasons I can't guarantee that the material will end up on the site. Cheers.

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