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Monday, September 17, 2007

Advertising Trade Cards


Lewis Jacobs Phoenix Glass Works
Active in London 1830-1870

never tear overalls (balloon)

F Overalls
Intaglio print published by Short & Forman, Ohio {1800-1900}

champion guage cock

Philip G Schofield Champion Gauge Cock
Pennsylvania - letterpress trade card {1850-1900}

copeland tea dealer southampton

Copeland Grocer to Her Majesty
Southampton tea dealer {1840-1900}

dobbin's electric soap - pantaloon and card

'The lean and slipper'd pantaloon with spectacles on his nose'
IL Cragin & Co - Dobbins Electric Soap
Premium card exchange collection (verse from 'As You Like It')
Multicolour lithography/letterpress in Philadelphia {1880-1900}

fearnley wholesale slop merchant

J Fearnley Wholesale Slop Merchant
Portsmouth England {1780-1820}
Definitely the weirdest image I've seen this week. Presumably they shared the same premises. How on earth did they decide on such an elegant Britannia engraving and script? Although I'm (fairly) sure it's just age-related chance, the splattered appearance seems somehow appropriate. {Slop Merchant being a seller of goods to ships/military - thanks biteyourowntail}

g byron morse bread carriage
g byron morse bread carriage page

G Byron Morse Baker, Dining and Ice Cream Parlors
Philadelphia {1870-1900}

greyhound inn

J Beckett Greyhound Inn
Intaglio engraving by Lucy Birchinall {1830-1850}

l'indescret chocolates

Dubois & Cie L'Indiscret (chocolate)
Belgium {1850-1900}

lion hatter

capon hatter detail

Capon - Hatter, London
Intaglio print by WJ White {1800-1850}

mitchell's licorice (donkey and trade card)

Mitchell's Elegant Pharmacy
Philadelphia {1870-1880}

rowley & chew printers

Rowley & Chew Printers
Philadelphia {1870-1890}

steam powered printer

Book & Job - W Hering & Co
Steam Power Printers
Philadelphia {1880-1900}

the lord chief baron

American Drawing-Room
The Lord Chief Baron
England {1800-1900}

tub soap pair

soapine carriage

The pair of Tub Soap girls and the Soapine carriage advertisement {~1880} are of particular interest because the artist/lithographer was Charlotte Perkins Gilman (neice of Harriet Beecher Stowe) who would later become a notable writer/social reformer and feminist. Her 1892 short story 'The Yellow Wallpaper' was a first hand account of post-partum depression and suffering at the hands of (learned) quackery. The great medical minds of the day recommended isolation from family, near-total bed rest, restriction of intellectual activity and occasional application of electricity to the muscles. See: i, ii, iii.

These are somewhat random selections from the Early Advertising Collection (900 images) at the excellent Triptych digital initiative of Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore College Libraries.

This was also something of an experi-mental post: I just wanted to check out Webshots as an image host. Click on any of the images above and then on the '+' button below the flash window to see the full size version. I guess there are advantages and disadvantages. While I'm constructing this post there appears to be excessive digital compression artifact - much more than I would normally get if I resized the images myself. Hm. Any thoughts?

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