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Tuesday, August 1, 2006


Georg von Welling 1719

"Ripley-Rolle - manuskrypt XVI w."
[I really have no idea but I wonder if this is meant to be after Richard Rolle (?)]
{It's actually: Ripley Scroll}

[See: the later BibliOdyssey post on the Ripley Scroll]

Homo Zodiacus in: 'Guild Book of the Barber Surgeons of York', 15th century.

Johann Daniel Mylius 1618 [I, II, III, IV]

Freemasonry 1754

Jakob Böhme 1682

Jakob Böhme 1682 (previously and at Giornale Nuovo)

Abraham von Franckenberg 1639
(disciple, student and biographer of Jakob Böhme)

(after) Ramon Llull 1470

An eclectic mix of esoterica purloined from the Polish site, Gnosis.
The above images come from the Iluminatornia section of the site.

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