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Sunday, August 20, 2006


I've added this image later, just because I stumbled across it and
because it's so bizarre (click to enlarge). It's from an 1816 book entitled:
E.D'Alton's 'Naturgeschichte Des Pferdes' from Anna Amalia Bibliothek.
I saw only one other illustration of a skeleton in normal stance.
An earlier edition has interesting schematic sketches.

All the above images are from the 5 volume set:
'Dizionario Ragionato di Veterinaria Teorico-Pratica..'
by Francesco Bonsi, 1795.

'Della Cavalleria' by Georg Engelhard Löhneyss, 1624.

'The Anatomy of the Horse: Finished Drawing of the Muscles
for the Fourth Anatomical Table' 1756-1758 by George Stubbs.

'Anatomia del Cavallo Infermita..' by Carlo Ruini, 1618.

Frontpiece from 'Equile, in Quo Omnis Generis..' by Johanes Stradamus, 1634.
(I'm 99.3% certain this is actually Johannes Stradanus, although he died in 1605
- either this is from a later edition or the engravings are after his drawings)

Frontpiece from 'La Methode et Invention Nouvelle de
Dresser les Chevaux' by William Cavendish, 1658
[published in english as 'A General System of Horsemanship' in 1747]

'Zodiac Horse' from 'Obras de Albeyteria..' by Martín Arredondo, 1704.

'De Humana Physiognomonia Libri IIII' by Giambattista della Porta, 1586.

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