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Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Here it is, the second ever man drawing on my blog. Everyone is drawing Uncle Eddie, so I wanted in too! Eddie is one of my favorite mans.
Sorry they aren't really finished!
Here are some post-its from this morning's bored doodling session:
I guess I'm all theroried-out from the last post...but I started drawing again a couple days ago, and now I have a whole pile of pictures to post later on. I have some new projects I'm starting, too. More on that later!

***Sorry, I forgot to add these answers to the questions people asked! Here they are:

"By the way...are you going down to Comic-Con?"
" How'd the big show go?"
"What exactly is this "lip bulb" thing?"

I will probably be at the con this year...I think they're going to have a thing for the new Ren and Stimpy DVD, so I will probably be there for that, and wandering around for a day or two.
The show was great, thanks for asking! It was great getting to meet some of the nice folks who read my blog.
The "lip bulb" is that middle part on a top lip...like the little pointed part. Urrgh, it's hard to explain, ha! Some people have it, but other's don't. It's not the philtrum...here's a "diagram."

"Katie, how do you scan your drawings in without getting those evil grey borders invading your drawings? My latest scans are full of them. How do you photoshop them out?"

Most of the time I don't draw in a sketchbook, so I don't have to worry about grey borders! But I'm pretty sure you can use the "brightness and contrast" or the "levels" in photoshop to get rid of them.

" Hey, K! Do you do commissions? And how much would one set me back if ya do?"

Right now I'm supposed to be doing a few commissions for friends of mine, but I'm not doing a very good job of finishing them right now. So I probably won't be picking up any more until I'm better about procrastinating. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to handle doing commissions better!

"Hey, Katie! Where do you find light flesh colored markers and those pale yellow ones you use? I have so many marker colors, but I have no tasteful way to color flesh."

Ugh, flesh colored markers never ever look like flesh, it's so true! Most the time I layer weird colors together, or use colors that aren't real fleshtones at all...like orange or grey. But otherwise I use the lightest markers they sell, and then use the darker markers to add to it. Most brands have a few super light colors...you can't tell by the way the marker looks on the outside though, so just test them all until you find the right ones. :)

Kali Fontecchio:
"lips are always fun to draw. And to see if you're as weird as me, when drawing yourself, do you amp your lips up waaay more than they really are? I know I do! Just curious :)"

I think I amp up all my features! I'm one of those weird people that has big everything- big eyes, big nose, big mouth, big teeth...sometimes I wonder how my face fits on my head. Does that sound weird? Urrgh, sorry, ha! I'd like to see one of your self portraits, though! :)

"P.S. What is your all time favorite Ren & Stimpy cartoon?"

I have too many favorites!! "Space Madness", "Stimpy's Invention"...I really love all of them. I guess "Big House Blues" might be my favorite though, just cause it's so cool looking.

"Did you just randomly draw these girls or look at pictures?"

Most of the girls from my mouth post were drawn from magazines, although a couple were made up. Maybe I should do a post sometime comparing referenced drawings with non-reference drawings...what do you think?

" Are their any tutorials on drawing assholes so I can put Cory's theories into practice?"

I will Ask Cory to do one, and if he refuses to give out the address of his blog, I'll just post it on mine!

Thanks everyone for contributing mouth theories! Those comments were fun to read...

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