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Thursday, February 16, 2006

The World in 2030 A.D.

"If the next century is tranquil and prosperous,
life in 2030 will be adorned by cultured and urbane
amenities in excess of the pleasant accompaniments
which our contemporary civilisation can exhibit."

The World in 2030

The World Polity in 2030

The Air in 2030

Woman in 2030
'In 2030 women will still use men as the media by which
their greatest triumphs are wrought; they will still be able,
by their wit and charms, to direct the activities of the
most able men towards heights which they could
never otherwise hope to achieve.' [Ha!]

Everyday Life in 2030

War in 2030

Industry in 2030

The Amenities of 2030

The Future in 2030

E McKnight Kauffer used an airbrush to produce the robotic steel forms for the 9 illustrations he contributed to The World in 2030 A.D. It was published in 1930, the year its author, conservative politician FE Smith (Earl of Birkenhead) died. The world described is said to be calmer and more rational with humane warfare (!), as opposed to 1930. I think it's safe to conclude that the illustrations are the highlight of this work and are not altogether inaccurate.

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