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Tuesday, February 21, 2006


from: Scènes de la Vie Privée et Publique des Animaux
Stories (by Balzac among others) illustrated by JJ Grandville 1842
See more at the exceptional/inimitable nonist.

Swedish vintage postcards at Flickr
Originally uploaded by reader Matt Andrade
(note: I retouched this 1907 image)

Carlo CUSOPOLI Camicia nera (Inno) [per canto e pianoforte]
versi di Giuseppe Sassoli 1934 from Librit Oggetto

Groupe d'Instruments avec une Partition de Musique
Anonymous purchased by Le Louvre in 1922

Décor de grotesques
Adolphe Yvon mid-19th century

Paysan grotesque, coiffé d'un panier, un écumoir passé dans sa ceinture
Bartholomäus Dietterlin - early 17th century

The above 3 drawings come inadvertently via the always wonderful Agence Eureka who linked to the equally wonderful French government Joconde museum catalogue site and one of the images found there led me to the seriously amazing Graphic Arts section of Le Louvre from whence these drawings actually derive.

Brackets or Crochets[] Brace {} Ellipsis…
Parallels|| Obelisk† Double Dagger‡ Asterisk*
in: Punctuation Personified: or, Pointing Made Easy, by Mr. Stops.
John Harris 1824
These Brackets some words may enclose, without doubt;
The Brace sev'ral lines will unite;
Ellipsis is us'd where we letters leave out,
As k…t may be read for a knight.
The Parallels, Ob'lisk, & Daggers we find,
Like the Asterisk only for ref'rence design'd.
More at Make Believe via Visualizing Poetics.

Kinderland, du Zauberland
Illustrated by Gertrud & Walther Caspari 1914

ABC-Buch Für Kleine und Große Kinder
Illustrated by Robert Reinick 1847

These 2 images come from the magical Traumstadt Museum site which has a lot of complete vintage childrens' books (among other things) posted online.
[Hint: when the popup window loads, click the link at the bottom of the page to go to the digitized work.]

All these books and sites and images have been contributing to my digital paralysis or absorption or at least an inability to move on or organize my desktop. I'm sure I'll return to many of them, but for now there really is a case for uncluttering my computer (well, partially). Normal service will resume shortly. Enjoy; I did!

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