Irina Shipovskaia
Apt. 50 Unlucky Visitors Ch.18
Veselaia kompaniia (The Happy Company) 1983
Mikhail Bulgakov had been dead 26 years when his fantasy politico-religious satire The Master and Margarita was released in 1966. It was written in Russia during the Stalin era. I must profess complete ignorance to its very existence until a short while ago. I'm now very intrigued.
I came across a website devoted to the The Master and Margarita which has a sizeable number of wonderful +/- disturbing illustrations associated with the book. There's also an exegesis of the work.
- Here's an extended Wikipedia entry if you need anything more.
- A Russian tv series was being produced last year to the consternation of some - Guardian article.
Irina Shipovskaia
from: Illustrations II
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