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Monday, August 22, 2005

Some more famous faces

I hope some of you guys will be up for another round of "Guess the Head." I also hope that if there are people out there reading this who have experience doing caricatures, that you'll enlighten me with some theories or maybe other cool caricature artists to check out. As they are right now, I feel like these drawings are more "warpy portraits" than actual caricatures. It's hard enough getting a likeness without concentrating on how to make it cartoony or funny. I suppose the perfect caricature would be a good drawing with an extremely good likeness that is also entertaining to look at. But for now I'm mostly just trying to get it so you can guess who the person is supposed to be.
By the way, some of these turned out meaner than I had meant them to be! I was going for "doofy" or "silly looking" with some of these, but they just came out sort of...vulgar.

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