I love to try and capture that side of girls that is totally mindless and silly. I like trying to make them seem unaware that they look dopey, too. Maybe it doesn't sound like it, but I really mean "mindless" in a good way. Since I'm a girl, that retarded, doofy side of female behavior is more appealing to me than the sexy, mysterious side that translates so well into drawings. Here are some drawings out of a Delia's catalogue, a great reference for goofy cute girls! Even girls in Playboys can be retarded! Another great reference: vintage Playboys. I also like to imagine that most the girls I draw are about as complex as hamsters... friendly, oblivious, without worries besides the desire for a handful of seeds or a bed made out of tissue. I think I would get along with the girls I draw! And here's one of my favorite subjects! Guess who! Hip hip hooray, for retarded-cute!
I hope some of you guys will be up for another round of "Guess the Head." I also hope that if there are people out there reading this who have experience doing caricatures, that you'll enlighten me with some theories or maybe other cool caricature artists to check out. As they are right now, I feel like these drawings are more "warpy portraits" than actual caricatures. It's hard enough getting a likeness without concentrating on how to make it cartoony or funny. I suppose the perfect caricature would be a good drawing with an extremely good likeness that is also entertaining to look at. But for now I'm mostly just trying to get it so you can guess who the person is supposed to be. By the way, some of these turned out meaner than I had meant them to be! I was going for "doofy" or "silly looking" with some of these, but they just came out sort of...vulgar.
I'm calling today special because I'm finally posting a drawing of a man! I can probably count the number of men I've drawn in the past year on my fingers. I'm saving today's man for last on this post because he's so handsome.
Anyhow, I'm posting these caricatures in hopes that some of you guys may be able to guess who they are. It's kind of intimidating to do. Once you start caricaturing famous people, it becomes really obvious whether or not you're on the right track. I usually just draw random girls from magazines, so obviously no one will know if they look like the real girl or not. So, here goes! I already know no one will be able to guess this one! I'm pretty sure this one is really off, too...
After I posted those great John caricatures, I decided not to post any of my own celebrity drawings for a while...so I was looking through recent drawings to see if there was anything interesting to post and I came upon some of these little sketches. I found two pages of girl drawings that I drew while I was at work, and underneath them I found some drawings I had done from the same reference magazine from the previous night. Here are the first ones. While those aren't especially interesting, I thought they were funny to look at in comparison to these other ones, which were drawn using the same magazine for reference, but with the aid of about 3 or 4 beers and the company of two other drunk cartoonist friends. I'm curious to know whether people like this looser, wonkier stuff better or not! Who's up for another drunken cartoonfest?? Fred? Cory? Chad?
I guess I ought to start off this post by saying that the pictures I've posted on this blog are all horrible examples of what I'm ultimately trying to do with my drawings. It's not my intention at all to draw semi-realistic girls all the time, but I still think my more cartoony stuff is too bland and lacking in design. Hopefully I'll turn out to be right in assuming that drawing real girl faces will get me where I want to be. So anyhow, here are some new profiles, this time drawn without reference. Like I said before, it's been really difficult to break away from the conventional cute girl profile that I've been drawing for years, but when I try practicing more specific faces from reference, they come out without much cartooniness. These came out pretty cartoony, but they don't look like specific people, which bugs me. I kind of like how these two turned out, even though they're just floating heads on white paper.
I hope someday I'll be able to combine cartooniness with the specificness of a real girl's face without having to rely on happy accidents. I'm discouraged that most my drawings that I like are a result of being distracted or making a drunken mistake with the pen.